The myth of Atlantis has fascinated people around the world ever since Plato first wrote about this sunken city in 365 B.C.E.
There are many purported “lost cities” throughout time, but none are more famous than Atlantis. First described by the Greek philosopher Plato, Atlantis served as an allegorical representation ...
The legendary drowned island of Atlantis 2. Atlantis is really situated in Sweden. Or maybe in Italy. Or the middle of the Atlantic Ocean A 17th-century Swedish scholar named Olaüs Rudbeck ...
In many documentaries it is suggested usually in the title that Atlantis was found Only to ... said Atlantis was a magnificent island in the Atlantic Ocean Sometimes depending on the fantasy ...
Atlantis is often depicted as a powerful and ... leading some to speculate that it lay in the Atlantic Ocean. Other theories propose the Mediterranean as its location, with sites such as Santorini ...
The film presents compelling evidence that Altlantis wasnt so far away after all but what it omits is just as compelling Although Platos account of Atlantian masonry consisting of red white and ...