Directed by Emory Myrick, ‘Barbie: Mermaid Power’ is an animated musical adventure movie that is a spiritual sequel to ‘Barbie: Dolphin Magic’ (2017 ... and in these movies, the famous doll is seen ...
Former central Queensland cattle baron Alan Acton achieved a lot in racing – notably through the feats of his one-time star performer Outback Barbie – but he had always longed to win a Magic ...
Police are searching for 150 vintage Barbie dolls that were allegedly stolen from a regional Victorian home last month. Authorities said dolls, as well as some Elvis memorabilia and a branded ...
However, for Communication junior and Dolphin Show associate lighting designer Alex Yang, winter break meant work for the nation’s largest student-produced musical was just getting started.
A vintage Barbie doll enthusiast was left heartbroken after returning from holiday to find their expensive collection had been pinched. Anna Houlahan reports on crime and social issues affecting ...
It’s somewhat common to see a dolphin swimming in the sea, but have you ever seen a “dolphin stampede?” Just off the coast of Dana Point in Southern California, visitors and marine ...
“Dana Point has made the dolphin stampede famous,” said Gisele Anderson, who operates Capt. Dave’s Dolphin & Whale Watching Safari, including the AllsWell and multiple other charter vessels.
Former MSU president Teresa Woodruff was among 13 recipients ... to NBA and Michigan State men's basketball legend Ervin "Magic" Johnson, among the 19 recipients at a ceremony held at the White ...
Similar anecdotes of men railing at the screenings or walking out of theaters have circulated on Chinese social media – mirroring the conservative backlash seen during screenings of “Barbie ...