Blade Runner follows Deckard (Ford), a Blade Runner who must pursue and terminate four escaped Replicants who stole a ship in ...
Harrison Ford was not a star. He had just finished flying the Millennium Falcon in 'Star Wars,' ” the director tells 'GQ' ...
The week’s most popular Afrobeats songs, ranked by a weighted formula incorporating official streams on both subscription and ad-supported tiers of leading audio and video music services, plus ...
billboard global excl. us the week's most popular songs based on streaming and sales activity from over 200 territories around the world — excluding the united states — as tracked by luminate ...
billboard hot 100™ the week’s most popular current songs across all genres, ranked by streaming activity data by online music sources tracked by luminate, radio airplay audience impressions as ...
R.Park, A.R.Allen, C.B.Brown, R.Chahayed, O.Fedi, P.M.Lawrence II, Bruno Mars, T.M.Thomas, H.R.Walter, M.D.Chapman, N.Chinn Bruno Mars, Cirkut, O.Fedi, R.Chahayed ...
Director Ridley Scott sat down with GQ magazine for a retrospective video interview and revealed that the financiers on his ...
Billboard Top Thai Songs ranks the top Thai-language songs within that territory and is based on streaming and sales activity from leading music services in the territory, as compiled by Luminate.
The week's most popular developing artists, using the same formula as the all-encompassing Billboard Artist 100, which measures artist activity across multiple Billboard charts, including the ...