Netherlands Ambassador to India, Marisa Gerards, has called tulip symbol of friendship between two nations, which she termed ...
Tulip fire is a fungal disease caused by the pathogen Botrytis tulipae that attacks and eventually destroys all parts of the ...
Nashville's beloved botanical gardens is kicking off their annual spring festival Cheekwood in Bloom this March.
Tulips are one of the world's most beloved flowers originating nearly 10 thousand years ago with more than half of today's 120 known species found in Central Asia and Turkey. Some types bloom early in ...
Enjoy a peaceful escape with a visit to one of these stunning botanical gardens chosen by our featured panelists.
Hasinur, a resident of Ward No. 8 in Atgaon Union, planted five varieties of tulip seedlings on his land in Bandhugaon this ...
Bangladeshi authorities examining whether former City minister bought the property using funds linked to Russian-funded ...
What’s a tulip tree? There are two plant species grown in Marin that are called tulip trees. Magnolia soulangeana, a ...
Officials in Dhaka believed Tulip's "permanent address" was the upmarket apartment complex named "Siddiques" in 2014, while ...
The Southwest’s largest floral festival has the theme this year of ‘Outside the Ordinary,’ and it will feature the statues of ...
The National Crime Agency (NCA) of the UK is assisting investigators in Bangladesh as they probe corruption claims against ...
Some flowers can be toxic for dogs and cats. Here's a list of what is safe—and what isn't—before you buy a bouquet this ...