More incident reports are coming to Google Maps, this time weather-based ones – but some might argue they’re more of a ...
Google Maps deleted 1-star reviews of the renamed body of water and has turned off the ability to leave reviews.
Amid backlash, Google Maps has disabled reviews for the "Gulf of America" and appears to have deleted recent reviews.
A flood of negative feedback flooded the body of water following the Trump-mandated name change.
Google has removed and blocked reviews for "Gulf of America" name soon after facing criticism for renaming it.
The company enacted similar review limitations in the past for other major news events.
Vexed Google Maps users are rallying on to report the Gulf of Mexico as mislabeled in protest of the company’s decision to ...
There will be more options to report hazards, but Google also added an update that could help millions of drivers. This ...
Google has tacitly admitted to removing negative reviews objecting to the renaming of the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of ... - Pengusaha sekaligus selebgram Shella Saukia kembali menjadi sorotan setelah mengaku mengalami kerugian besar, baik materi maupun moril, akibat review produk skincarenya oleh Dokter ...
"Klien saya demi menghidupi keluarga, emosi, waktu mereka me-review yang tidak benar selain tidak punya kapasitas, itu (makanya) dia datangi," kata Elza Syarief di kantornya daerah Menteng, Jakarta ...
Meski demikian, Shella enggan mengungkapkan angka pasti kerugiannya, namun ia memastikan jumlah tersebut mencapai miliaran rupiah. SERAMBINEWS.COM - Kasus ini bermula ketika Doktif mengulas produk ...