Dragon Ball Daima is a "sequel to the Majin Buu arc." This means that it takes place before the Dragon Ball Z: Battle of the Gods movie and before the end of Dragon Ball Super. It's also been ...
To make things more interesting, it was also revealed to the fans that the Nika fruit specifically chose Luffy and this is ...
The Sun God and the Sea Devil have a deep history that goes back centuries in One Piece. The Sun God will have to step up ...
Explore the key events of the Battle of Britain with clips from over 50 years of BBC television and radio programmes The Battle of Britain was the German air force's attempt to gain air ...
For anime heroes that can move at the speed of light, blow up galaxies by sneezing, and battle the gods, nerfing them to the point wherein they are troubled by normal soldiers is a bit of a stretch.
Dragon Ball fans have been expecting Goku to fight Gomah since DAIMA began, but it's becoming more apparent that this clash will never occur.
We're almost at the last block of Dragon Ball Daima episodes, which means you're probably looking for answers on when new entries will drop on Netflix and Crunchyroll. Below, we've got the ...
Green Lynx (David Kaldor): Aimless 20-something given a paid outlet for his thoughts on cartoons. Fears being boring slightly more than being outright disliked.
LR and TUR characters are the cream of the crop at the moment, and we have ranked them according to their power on this Dokkan Battle tier list. Let's be honest, power creep in this game is real. That ...
With Takumi and the others now earning each other’s trust, mainly Sofia and Takumi, it was only a matter of time before they ...