It's filmmaker Farhan Akhtar's birthday on Thursday. His sisters, Zoya Akhtar and Farah Khan, took to Instagram and penned cute wishes for Farhan. Farah, who shares her birthday with Farhan ...
Farhan Akhtar shares his birthday with sister-in-law Anusha Dandekar, and filmmaker Farah Khan (his cousin). On Wednesday night, Zoya Akhtar hosted a birthday party for the trio. She shared a ...
The celebration was memorable for all. Farhan's sister Zoya Akhtar also joined in the festivities by posting the same picture on her Instagram account. She captioned it with “Bring It In ” and ...
There's a lot of cake cutting that happened at the Akhtar household on Wednesday night. Filmmaker Zoya Akhtar shared an adorable picture of three members of her extended family bringing in their ...
Javed Akhtar reflects on the changing family dynamics, noting that his children, Farhan and Zoya, live separately. He highlights the shift from joint families to independent living, acknowledging ...