Star Wars items will launch day one with Heresy on February 2nd. Destiny has had other collaborations in the past, including ...
Bungie's Destiny 2 may be saved by its upcoming Star Wars collaboration as player counts start to rise once again.
Bungie revealed new Star Wars cosmetics coming to the Eververse in Destiny 2 alongside the new Episode Heresy.
Destiny 2 is soon releasing Episode Heresy, which will introduce some new weapons—one of which is likely to become meta.
The latest Destiny 2 update will see the return of fabled Hive ship, The Dreadnaught. “What’s significant about the ...
Bungie revealed some of the content coming to Destiny 2 in Episode Heresy, including weapons, activity, and more. While there ...
Destiny 2 is a first-person action game that takes the player on an epic journey to defend humanity from annihilation.
Heresy is unleashing a Star Wars crossover event, as well as bringing back the iconic Dreadnaught of the Taken King.