Recent columns about famous Iowans generated several additional names, including John Wayne, born in Winterset; Gary Cooper, who attended Grinnell College; and the Everly Brothers, who launched their ...
Rufus Estes served presidents, a princess, and world-famous musicians as a chef on Pullman cars before becoming one of the ...
I took a hostage negotiation class while researching my new thriller 'Famous Last Words,' and realized their jobs aren't so ...
Sharyn Anderson-Campbell and Tiera Sprauve offer uplifting stories that celebrate self-acceptance and mental health.
Our favorite books by Black authors Growing up as a young Black girl in the South, I saw positive representations of Black ...
It is rare to see a newly published book that doesn't come with a ringing endorsement from at least one or two familiar names. Well known authors wil ...
Human Authored is a project of the Authors Guild that allows authors to certify that a human created their book. “Human Authored” means that the book’s text was written by a human and not ...
Writers can do crazy things in quest of a blurb. When Norman Mailer finished his third novel, The Deer Park, he sent a copy ...