Retired chaplain Norris Burkes offers some advice for dealing with loaded questions lobbed by the overly pious.
On the basis of age-old custom, water is one of the signs that ... May God, who through water and the Holy Spirit has given us a new birth in Christ, be with you all. All make the following ...
In this prayer Christ himself bears witness to the life and immortality to which God ... All make the Sign of the Cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Christ came to serve and not to be served. He gave his life as the ransom for many, said Anglican priest Father Rondeno Rolle ...
Why moral inspiration and doctrinal instruction fall short—and how preaching that transforms the heart achieves what both ...
Daniel Muir stood behind a gate facing a Cass County deputy and two case workers with the Indiana Department of Child ...
Amidst the struggles and the backdrop of a mixed-religious family—his father a Muslim and his mother a Christian—the seeds of ...
Money is a gift of God, work is a gift of God. There's a godly ambition to work, produce, and be successful. These things are gifts of God. Relationships are gifts of God, food is a gift of God. But ...
Are you seeing it? In the power of the Holy Spirit, and the name of Jesus we are made ONE with the Father. Jesus spoke about ...
Why? Because we are not empowered by the Holy Spirit, but by our own worldly wisdom and understanding, and by our worldly resources and connections. Unless and until we rely more on God, and less on ...