If your ball rolls through ground under repair and gets dirty, can you clean it without penalty? Rules Guy has the answer.
Since opening in 2018, Leicester Golf Centre has taken a bold position on traditionally contentious issues in the game by ...
If a line of OB stakes comes to an end, does the OB boundary extend beyond the last one? Rules Guy has the answer.
The Rules of Golf are tricky! Thankfully, we've got the guru. Our Rules Guy knows the book front to back. Got a question? He's got all the answers. A friend's drive comes to rest on a paved cart path.
If you do not remember your Handicap ID (e.g., GHIN #), use THIS LINK to access a Handicap ID Lookup tool. If you have a question regarding your account, such as how to renew your Handicap Index®, ...
According to Definitions in the Rules of Golf, the answer is yes.
For as objective as the Rules of Golf attempts to be in terms ... This is often put to the test by the classic question after a golf ball is hit into a penalty area. Where did it actually cross?
When looking to answer a question or resolve a Rules issue on the course ... In addition to using the Contents and the Index in the Player’s Edition of the Rules of Golf, the following points will ...
Talk about golf on our message boards David Rickman is the Rules Secretary at the Royal & Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews. The R&A is the world's leading authority on golf and provides guidance to ...
Rule 14.1b of the Rules of Golf, adopted by both the United States Golf Association (USGA) and the R&A, strictly prohibits the anchoring of the putter, either directly or by means of a so-called ...