When it comes to the arts in America, the second quarter of the 20th century is significant. That's not only because it was informed ...
• Drawing in the Galleries: European-Medieval & Renaissance is 6-8:30 p.m. Jan. 24 and noon-4 p.m. Jan. 26, Detroit Institute of Arts, Art-Making Studio, 5200 Woodward Ave., Detroit, www.dia.org.
But, even though you’ve wriggled free of your grey, identikit cubicle ... In our experience, the problem with wanting to paint like Bob Ross is that you actually need to have skill and talent.
A  visit to Fivesparks, now through Feb. 22, will welcome you with an art show in the large gallery room and on walls ...
El Matador Beach is the Zorro of beaches – mysterious, alluring, and with a name that makes you want to practice your Spanish ...
This street in Chestertown’s Historic District has been featured many times for its gems and the middle house in this ...
Celebrate Día de los muertos with these simple, beginner-friendly doodles. Follow along as we create a pencil sketch, outline with pen and then finish our illustrations with watercolor paint!
A chance roadside stop by a young Houston artist more than 50 years ago is giving ... The shoreline is filled with ancient cypress trees.