When Whatcom County residents learned recently that trash and recycling hauler Sanitary Service Co. wasn’t accepting ...
“Taking a plastic bottle and turning it into part of a pair of sneakers that after a year will be buried or burned is not perpetuating a cycle,” said Kevin Budris, deputy director of Just Zero, a ...
If there's water in the cabinet under your kitchen sink, there's likely a leak in your garbage disposal. We'll help you ...
I fret when I see people throwing garbage in with soda cans and empty water bottles ... asked to buy orange Hefty bags to ...
I’m a dedicated recycler. I fret when I see people throwing garbage in with soda cans and empty water bottles. I’ve even been known to rescue recyclables from the trash ...
There’s a saying that in a big city you are never more than six feet away from a rat. It’s an urban myth but scientists are ...
The tell-tale sign of a rat problem in DC is a hole chewed through a hard plastic trash can. “The only way you can rodent proof a trash can is not to put food in it,” said Gerard Brown ...
Time to part ways with that $5 half broken piece of plastic you've been using since college and give your bathroom an upgrade ...
Before my most recent kitchen trash can purchase, I never thought very hard about what I was buying ... placed next to a large two-door fridge. Plastic is the most common material you ...