The Tamil Nadu government website wears a new look, but many of its departments have not published a single government order (GO) issued by them in their section for years.
Tanjore painting, also known as Thanjavur painting, is one of the most celebrated art forms in India, known for its rich ...
They fail to understand that the more they depend on the bashing of Hindus and try to pollute political atmosphere based on ...
India's first glass sea bridge was recently inaugurated in Kanyakumari. Here are some unique things to do in the coastal city ...
Bangladesh is witnessing a storm of protests and international criticism following the arrest of Hindu monk and activist Chinmoy Krishna Das.
India is now a testing ground for whether demagoguery or deteriorating living conditions exert a greater sway on voters.
From Diwali to Eid, religious festivals shape cultures worldwide, but Christmas stands out as the most celebrated, uniting ...
The Hanuman Jayanti festival is celebrated in a grand manner at the Sri Anjaneyar Temple in Kallukuzhi, Trichy. The temple sees the offering of 1,00,008 ‘vada maalai’ (garland of vadas) to the deity.
Clad in a green dhoti, a bare-chested Annamalai took a whip from his party worker and whipped himself repeatedly in front of ...