Varsha Bharath, the director of the upcoming Tamil film Bad Girl, has said that women don't need to be purists and that they only need to be human. The actress then went to say, "In Tamil ...
Drew Barrymore is reflecting on a life-changing movie role. “When we did Bad Girls, I was 16. I was such a dumbass,” The Drew Barrymore Show host told guest and Bad Girls costar Andie MacDowell during ...
Drew Barrymore credits 1994’s Western action flick Bad Girls with changing her life at 16 years old.
As a survey opens at Kasmin, New York, the artist discusses bathroom graffiti, Donald Trump and her time as a Guerrilla Girl ...
Bad Girl, the bold Tamil movie by Varsha Bharath, starring Anjali Sivaraman, is making waves at the International Film ...
Actor Shanthi Priya defended the film Bad Girl against criticism from director Mohan G Kshatriyan. She said that the film ...
“Daddy don’t know what he’s doing anyway! That’s how … that’s how you say that’s a great drawing in French!” The video has gone viral multiple times since it was first ...
The Vicksburg Missy Gators did what they needed to do to avoid a bad first-round draw in the MHSAA girls’ soccer playoffs.