The story of how humans evolved is a long and winding one — and it grows more complicated with each passing year.
President Donald Trump's suggestion that Egypt and Jordan take in Palestinians from the war-ravaged Gaza Strip was met with a ...
Researchers say they have identified a new species of ancient hominin, Homo juluensis, that could help solve another big ...
The rise in Human-Elephant Conflicts may be attributed to factors unrelated to oil and gas activities, such as increased ...
Human populations that left Africa evolved quickly whereas Neanderthals stayed the same, according to an analysis of blood group systems. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn ...
Awaken, a nonprofit dedicated to increasing awareness and education around sex trafficking and providing housing and ...
DNA analysis of that tiny fossil led to the 2010 finding that it represented a distinct ancient human population, which scientists dubbed the Denisovans. Many people alive today carry traces of ...
Human rights and social justice are the moral pillars upon which a fair and equitable society is built. They signify the ...
India risks economic failure if it fails to educate its massive young population. Akshat Shrivastava warns that ignoring this ...
The study of ancient DNA (aDNA) has significantly advanced our understanding of human population history, revealing insights into migration patterns, genetic adaptations, and the impact of ...