The team had to work to prevent drill failures and ensure that the electromechanical core drill was progressing through the ice layers. Each meter of ice can contain as many as 13,000 years of ...
This week, uncover some of the oldest ice on Earth, follow a dinosaur highway, learn how Pluto sealed the capture of its moon Charon with a “kiss,” and more.
The great ice streams of the Antarctic and Greenland are like frozen rivers, carrying ice from the massive inland ice sheets ...
Why do ice ages occur less frequently? Scientists look for answers in a nearly 2-mile-long ice core extracted from Antarctica ...
The record for the world's oldest ice was actually broken not long ago when researchers in Antarctica managed to retrieve ice ...
An international team of Earth and environmental scientists has found evidence that the Ronne Ice Shelf in the West Antarctic ...
However, that sample was collected closer to the surface, thanks to natural processes that push up layers of older blue ice. The new ice core represents the longest continuous record of Earth’s ...
The deeper the cores go, the more history they contain — and the icy layers could also solve some of the biggest questions about mysterious eras in Earth’s 4.5 billion-year history. A team retrieved a ...
Ice cores can show how temperatures have fluctuated ... The deeper the cores go, the more history they contain — and the icy layers could also solve some of the biggest questions about mysteriou ...