Bangsa Rum disebutkan dalam hadits dan juga Al Qur'an. Kelak, bangsa ini dikatakan akan menjadi pengkhianat bagi umat Islam di akhir zaman.
The Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan is operating training camps in four Afghan provinces, while Jamaat Ansarullah is ...
Today, more than ever before, we need promotion of the culture of Mahdism, awaiting the reappearance of Imam Mahdi (the 12th ...
The most beautiful annunciation ever given to mankind is that of the Reappearance of the promised savior; annunciating that ...
Barat, including Mid Shaban, the Night of Records, the Night of Fortune and Forgiveness, and the Barat Night. The Muslim ...
Sheikh Yazebk started his statement by felicitating the nation on the anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, saying: “In these days, the days of the victorious and blessed ...
Shab-e-Barat, also known as the Night of Forgiveness, will be observed from February 13 to 14, 2025. Muslims engage in prayers, repentance, and charity on this night, seeking forgiveness and blessings ...
This festival is marked with great enthusiasm across South Asia, including countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri ...
In Islam, the month of Sha'ban, like Ramadan, is considered very sacred and blessed. Sha'ban is the 8th month of the Islamic ...
The Aga Khan IV has been laid to rest in Egypt in a private ceremony. The governor of Aswan welcomed Prince Karim’s family at ...
The Aga Khan IV was often referred to as a philanthropist, but the description ignores the spiritual impetus for his work.