Why practice tithing if Jesus didn't, are you a Levite ? — Pastor Abel Damina qu ...
In this gospel, the Jews cannot know because they are from the darkness; Jesus and his followers are from the light: "You are from below, I am from above; you are of this cosmos, I am not of this ...
Darkness, which has no place in God, infinite good, cannot diminish or destroy them in any way. The wise men who traveled to find baby Jesus, the newborn “King of the Jews,” in order to ...
On a Manresa retreat one summer, Jesuit Father Richard Buhler used an image that has resonated with me for years.
Jesus suffered on the cross for over six hours and called out My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? (Mark 15:34). Mark's gospel states that the sky then turned dark, and darkness fell over the ...
Light that shines in the dark, light that darkness could not overcome”. So, there is hope Jesus comes as the light in our lives. In the Bible light and darkness are in sharp contrast to each other.
A veil of darkness that covered the earth for many years will be removed in our lifetimes and we will be amazed. Prophets ...