Bollywood star Alia Bhatt, who was recently seen in ‘Jigra’, was spotted playing pickleball in the city. She was playing a doubles game with actor Aditya Seal in her team. Of late, the actress has ...
Ranbir Kapoor’s cousin Zahan Kapoor has been making immense buzz on the internet for his recently released web show. While ...
Bollywood actor Jaideep Ahlawat's father passed away surrounded by family. Jaideep's team requested privacy during this ...
Here’s a curated selection of songs perfect for celebrating Makar Sankranti, all inspired by the joy of kite-flying. Take a look!
Arbaaz and Sshura Khan’s union was celebrated by many well-known people from Bollywood. It included family members such as Salman Khan, Arhaan Khan, Arpita Khan Sharma, Aayush Sharma, Salim Khan, ...