The result is the Pink Panther franchise, one of the best and most beloved comedy series to this day, with a total of 11 films, including reboots, five of which starred beloved comedic actor Peter ...
Wakanda and its metropolis, dominated by modern high-rise buildings, is a technically advanced nation in Africa that is cut off from the outside world and pretends to be a poor third world country ...
Written and directed by Coogler, Sinners stars Jordan in a dual role in the film as brothers Elijah and Elias. The film is set in the 1930s South and is described as “Trying to leave their ...
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was set to plead guilty on Friday. The Biden administration succeeded in blocking a plea deal for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed on Thursday after a federal court issued an ...
The Biden administration succeeded in blocking a plea deal for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed on Thursday after a federal court issued an administrative stay of a hearing set for Friday. The alleged 9/11 ...
The man accused of being the mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, has agreed to let government prosecutors use portions of a 2007 confession that he says were obtained ...
FILE - This Monday, Dec. 8, 2008 courtroom drawing by artist Janet Hamlin and reviewed by the U.S. military, shows Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, center, and co-defendant Walid Bin Attash, left ...