The high-level Thai delegation was led by Thailand’s foreign minister, Maris Sangiampongsa, and included Thai army chief of staff General Songwit Nunphakdi, deputy foreign minister Russ Jalichandra, ...
Řezbáři vytvořili i kotel obklopený ledovými plameny, ve kterém se lidé mohou nechat vyfotit. V menším stanu pak stojí betlém vyřezaný z ledu. „Stan je zaplněn krásnými sochami z ledu. V betlému jsou ...
Jako by ji vhodili do vody se slovy: A teď ukaž, jak umíš plavat. Čtyřiadvacetiletá Kristýna Otcovská nastoupila poprvé v životě do smíšené štafety Světového poháru biatlonistů, navíc coby finišmanka ...
Its entrance is off of the main artery that leads from Damascus Gate to the Western Wall, up a small flight of stairs that connect the northern Kotel entrance with the Arab market. The entrance ...
Joe Uziel of the Israeli Antiquity Authority cleans stones at the site of an ancient Roman theater at the Western Wall tunnels, October 16, 2017. The Israeli Foreign Ministry is planning a special ...
Westend61 / Getty Images A Chinese Wall is an ethical concept of separation between groups, departments, or individuals within the same organization—a virtual barrier that prohibits ...
At CES 2025 Awall showed off a modular way to get a wall-size TV with better brightness than a projector. We've seen MicroLED before, but so far prices have been astronomical. Awall's various ...