On Saturday, the ‘Airlift’ actress shared her photos with the caption ... Bhagyashree, and Subodh Bhave. Reportedly, she has been cast in a key role in the upcoming film “Sky Force ...
On Saturday, the 'Airlift' actress shared her photos with the caption ... Directed by Mikhil Musale, the mystery thriller also stars Radhika Madan, Bhagyashree, and Subodh Bhave. Reportedly, she has ...
Releasing Marathi films in drama theatres is one such solution to limited screens, Bhave, whose film “Sangeet Manapmaan” released on Friday, said. “For how many years we will keep saying ...
For our very first film Devmanus we are thrilled to collaborate with renowned actors like Mahesh Manjrekar, Renuka Shahane, Subodh Bhave, and the talented Siddharth Bodke, under Tejas direction.
Mumbai, With his highly-anticipated film “Sangeet Manapmaan”, actor-director Subodh Bhave says he has fulfilled a long-cherished dream of crafting a grand musical fairytale in Marathi language.
The Marathi films have long faced challenges in securing adequate screens in cinemas across Maharashtra over Hindi and Hollywood titles and actor-director Subodh Bhave says the industry must find ways ...
With his highly-anticipated film “Sangeet Manapmaan”, actor-director Subodh Bhave says he has fulfilled a long-cherished dream of crafting a grand musical fairytale in Marathi language. The trailer of ...
Noted actor Subodh Bhave made his directorial debut with Katyar Kiljat Ghusali in 2015 – and struck gold. The Marathi musical, based on Purushottam Darvhekar’s play of the same name ...
Subodh Bhave is hands down one of the best actors in the Marathi film industry today. The audience looks forward to his movies, and he has delivered several box office hits in the past.
Critics Rating: 3.0 stars, click to give your rating/review,Based on the musical play by the same name, this film revolves ...
Actors Mahesh Manjrekar, Renuka Shahane and Subodh Bhave will be starring in Luv Films maiden Marathi venture "Devmanus" directed by Tejas Deoskar. It is all set to release on April 25 ...