Objectives Masculine norms of toughness and self-reliance can discourage help-seeking among elite athletes who are men.
Each item is a four point Likert type scale ... The construct and predictive validity of the scale was assessed by factor analysis and by testing of theoretically derived hypotheses regarding ...
Background Healthcare patient safety investigations inappropriately focus on individual culpability and the target of ...
While genetic testing rates for advanced ovarian cancer have increased, gaps in physician understanding and confidence in interpreting results may limit optimal biomarker-driven treatment and patient ...
Artificial intelligence (AI) systems such as ChatGPT can provide accurate and relevant responses to inquiries about colon cancer, highlighting the potential of AI chatbots in enhancing patient ...
Prolonged immigration detention is significantly associated with worsened self-rated health, along with high rates of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and mental illness.
All used Likert scales, mostly to measure attitudes of individuals ... Until more evidence is available, administrators and policymakers should be cautious in the interpretation of these surveys. The ...
Outcomes (n=63) scored 7–9 (crucial) by ≥70% of the participants and 1–3 (not that important) by ≤15% of participants from both groups in the Likert scale were automatically ... methodology, formal ...
Objective To investigate the correlation between caregivers’ health-related behaviours and the prevalence of ...