Mufasa: The Lion King begins with the young lion as an orphaned cub separated from his parents. He is found by another young lion, Taka, whose family reluctantly allows him to join their pride.
See photos of the stars who voice the main characters in Disney's new CG and live-action hybrid movie "Mufasa: The Lion King.
Mufasa: The Lion King is finally here. Find out how to watch the American animation drama Mufasa 2025 online for free.
The "Lion King" movie franchise is bringing in billions, but the actual species is suffering. This is why, why that matters, ...
Despite Jenkins’ valiant efforts to infuse the story with visual grace and thematic weight, the film ultimately feels like another Disney product designed more for franchise expansion than for storyte ...
Every being has a place in the circle of life,” and “No more kings, we are all one.” Those lines of dialogue sum up the two ...
The musical makes one thing clear: theater can be magically transportative.
The Fresno Chaffee Zoo has announced the names of its two new lion cubs, a male and a female. The female cub has been named ...