A total of 1540 guests have reviewed MSC Divina, giving it a rating of 3.8 on a scale of 1-5. A wonderful post Christmas Break Jan 8th, 2025 Loved the cruise, very relaxing get away. Great staff ...
This was our sixth MSC cruise. Have vacationed twice on board the Seaside, and once each time on the Poesia, the Divina, and twice also on the Meraviglia. We have tentatively booked a trip on ...
An eye for hospitality pet peevesTyler Brule, the editorial director of magazine and media platform Monocle, shares some candid thoughts about what the... Quintana Roo embarks on luxury ...
MSC has been rapidly growing its U.S. presence in recent years. But Major-Holland said the cruise line, which has headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, said “they attract more of an international ...
We've got a full list of all the MSC cruise ships by size in gross tonnage, starting from the largest down to the smallest.
Gain a management degree from a globally renowned university. This MSc Management and Strategy enables you to critically analyse management themes through an economic lens. You’ll build a fundamental ...
It's always nice to see how a cruise line is expanding its fleet! So, here is a list of MSC cruise ships by age, from the ...
Non-standard applicants for the course will be considered on an individual basis, but may be required to enrol initially on the PGDip course. This course is also available for intercalating medical ...
Ja, wo laufen sie denn? Etwas verwirrend mag diese Aufnahme wirken, denn warum tummeln sich so viele Dickhäuter am Strand? Die Antwort ist: Das ist Kunst – und die Tiere nicht echt. »The Great ...
Alte Kirchen und Bahnhöfe, ausrangierte Autos und Flugzeuge: Mit unbändiger Kraft verleibt sich die Natur ein, was der Mensch im Stich gelassen hat. Der Fotograf Jonathan Jimenez hat besondere L ...
Drückt nun wiederholt die Pfeil-Rechts-Taste, um durch die Bilder des Ordners zu blättern. Macht das so lange, bis ihr euer Sperrbildschirm-Bild seht, das ihr speichern möchtet. Alternativ ...
Ich bin damit einverstanden, dass das von mir bereitgestellte Foto vom NDR verwendet wird. Darüber hinaus erteile ich meine Zustimmung, dass der NDR das Foto unentgeltlich auch im NDR Fernsehen ...