At Ballotpedia, we believe that everyone deserves meaningful, reliable, trustworthy information about their candidates. We also know that good information—especially at the local level—is hard to find ...
The most recent state to add the initiative process to its constitution was Mississippi in 1992 ... the constitution once a petition signed by the majority of voters in each county called for a ...
Of the nearly 200 uncounted ballots that the Madison city clerk’s staff discovered after Election Day, about 70 might have gotten counted if staff members had promptly alerted the county.
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The city clerk's office says an employee told the county clerk's office about the error. But County Clerk Scott McDonell ...
I want to stay informed! Of the nearly 200 uncounted ballots that Madison city clerk’s staff discovered after Election Day, about 70 might have gotten counted if the staff members had promptly alerted ...
Madison's city clerk found 193 ballots in two batches, the first Nov. 12 and the second Dec. 3. "I'm not looking at this as a punishment or something we need to investigate because of ...
Of the nearly 200 uncounted ballots that the Madison city clerk’s staff discovered after Election Day, about 70 might have gotten counted if staff members had promptly alerted the county. The clerk’s ...