On January 19, the grand mushaira at Bhavnagar will host poets like Rajendra Shukla, Bhavesh Bhatt, Snehi Parmar, Parul Khakhar, Bharat Vinzuda, Krushna Dave, Saumya Joshi and Manohar Trivedi.
On January 19, the grand mushaira at Bhavnagar will host poets like Rajendra Shukla, Bhavesh Bhatt, Snehi Parmar, Parul Khakhar, Bharat Vinzuda, Krushna Dave, Saumya Joshi and Manohar Trivedi.
Amid US Fed rate cut buzz, MCX gold rate continued to trade sideways but managed to sustain above 79,000 per 10 gm mark. Gold ...
Amid US Fed rate cut buzz and DeepSeek AI model fears, MCX gold rate opened upside in the early morning session on Wednesday and hit a new peak of 80,413 per 10 g ...
Qatari PM says Gaza ceasefire goes into effect on January 19. Qatar’s prime minister on Wednesday announced a ceasefire ...