Some business leaders don’t believe Gen Zs have a mental health problem, while others advocate for steps employers must take ...
Attention isn't only an issue for people with ADD/ADHD. Stress, depression, and anxiety can worsen attention, but training ...
The company is partnering with The Black List, a platform for filmmakers and writers to showcase projects to industry ...
The department has a new Crisis Assessment Response Team, a model already used by Milwaukee, West Allis and the Milwaukee ...
Bravo to Palm Beach County commissioners, for pledging a substantial investment in mental health care. The board voted ...
Need some inspiration for the hidden gifts within your mental health struggles? Lincoln and Darwin got you covered.
The race to secure a spot at a "top" college has become a defining feature of modern adolescence—and it’s taking a ...
The Apple Health Study will use data from myriad Apple products to glean new insights in physical and mental health.
Nine people were injured when a gunman opened fire on the splash pad last summer. Authorities said the attack was random.
Nebraska Medicine's director of Behavioral Health remembers many health care workers having to pick up extra shifts because ...
Universal Music Group and Music Health Alliance launch Music Industry Mental Health Fund providing mental health services to music professionals.
Court records illustrate a history of bullying, denied mental health treatment and a shrine to mass killers in the case against a Mooresville student.