Want to build the ultimate hidden base in Minecraft? Learn how to create a secret house that’s safe, hidden, and perfect for survival. Watch now and start building!
Minecraft flatlands are probably the best place to build your houses due to their plain surfaces. The game is full of different biomes, which range from towering stony mountains to deep dark caves.
With recent Minecraft updates, it is clear that Mojang is heavily focused on completely changing the look and feel of the Overworld — the game's first dimension in which players spawn.
The Warden is on a power level hitherto unseen in Minecraft, so taking one on is no mean feat. Luckily, this guide will walk ...
What are the best horror games? Scary games tend to turn traditional action concepts on their heads, forcing you to run and hide from your enemies. They leave you feeling vulnerable rather than ...
A new entry in the series was recently showed off again at the Xbox Developer Direct, and this time, Doom: The Dark Ages will see ... minibosses to fight. In a deep dive into a mission, we saw ...
Deep Freeze resets cooldowns and amplifies Frost ... up to 30%) and Teleport (base damage went from 25% to 35%). The Lightning Spear Sorcerer is uniquely designed around endgame play, especially ...
Diamonds are a key aspect of any Minecraft adventure, but getting them isn’t always easy. That is unless you use a seed like this one, which comes with so many deep caverns, large caves ...
Mojang has said it is not interested in building a Minecraft 2, so we should expect more branches out of the IP instead of a new base game. It will also continue adding more detail to the original ...