This phenomenon is especially visible in certain wasp species, such as the Mud Dauber wasps, whose nest constructions resemble the mud tubes of termites.As a part of the Vespidae family ...
A few years ago, Lin was watching mud dauber wasps build nests on his newly purchased home. As an assistant professor that worked on soil improvement, he was fascinated by the way mud daubers ...
The female mud-dauber wasps use the mud balls to build their nests. Collecting them into clusters, they then carve chambers inside the balls into which the females lay their eggs. Before closing each ...
The Artstor website will be retired on Aug 1st. Conservation & Society Vol. 14, No. 4, 2016 Termites, Mud Daubers and their Earths: ... Termites, Mud Daubers and their Earths: A Multispecies Approach ...
It makes a great shelter for adult mud crabs and the mud dauber wasp uses it to build its hut - Let us know your score in the comments below!