The Mumbai police said they circulated CCTV footage of the woman on WhatsApp groups, seeking help in identifying and tracing the culprit.
Mumbai: The BMC has identified two potential locations for fire stations along the reclaimed land on the Mumbai Coastal Road: ...
Mumbai Police have arrested Bangladeshi national Mohd Shariful Islam Shehzad for allegedly attacking actor Saif Ali Khan at ...
On the run for over two days, Mohammad Shariful, a suspect in the Saif Ali Khan stabbing case, was picked up from deep inside ...
The Mumbai Police reported that they have discovered up to 19 fingerprints belonging to accused Bangladeshi national Mohammed ...
While deputy commissioner of police Dixit Gedam said that Mohammad Shariful Islam Shahzad was trying to rob Saif’s home ...
Procam International, promoters of the Tata Mumbai Marathon, announced Sir Mo Farah, a multiple Olympic and World Champion, ...
Mumbai: The BMC has identified two potential locations for fire stations along the reclaimed land on the Mumbai Coastal Road: one at Poonam Chambers and another at Amarsons-Tata Garden in Worli.