The Karnataka BJP’s internal squabbles deepened on Thursday with old pals–mining baron B Janardhana Reddy and ex-minister B Sriramulu locking horns in public. The trigger seems to be accusations ...
Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar arrived in Patna on Friday to attend the 101st birth anniversary celebrations of former Bihar chief minister Karpoori Thakur, who was posthumously awarded the Bharat ...
Prince Harry wins court battle against Rupert Murdoch's newspaper, receiving substantial damages and an apology for illegal activities by The Sun.
pan-India) The Curvv has debuted in a price range where the Creta has been a bestseller for a long time. But does it have the essence to beat the Hyundai compact SUV? We find out ...
House G.O.P. Floats Medicaid Cuts and More to Finance Trump’s Huge Agenda President Trump wants a massive tax cut and immigration crackdown bill. Republicans must decide what to cut to help pay ...
Officials said passengers stepped down from Pushpak Exp due to a rumour of fire, when the Karnataka Exp on adjacent line hit them; Eleven passengers who had deboarded were killed, and another 15 ...