As we pray for our sick, let us also pray for our sick earth. “God of all Creation, in Jesus, we pray for a spirit of wisdom stewarding our resources, our gifts of the earth and faithfulness to act in ...
In the niche that is part of the altarpiece above the altar, an image of the Virgin Mary can be seen although without a doubt ...
Miracles at both shrines show how God uses simple elements — just as he did in Scripture — to bring healing and conversion.
Palawan (AsiaNews) – Bishop Socrates Mesiona, Apostolic Vicar of Puerto Princesa, led a solemn Mass in Ipilan, Brookes Point, ...
And many such things you do.' Reflection on the sculpture The sculpture of Our Lady of Lourdes located in the grotto at ...
Fittingly, the memorial of Our Lady of Lourdes is celebrated as the World Day of the Sick, for the spring in the Grotto of Massabielle which the Virgin Mary pointed to Bernadette Soubirous has become ...
Fr P.K. Joseph reminded the gathering of the miraculous appearance of Our Lady of Lourdes to Bernadette in France 167 years ...