Wilson, who was incarcerated years ago ... child is knowing that they’re still being loved and missed by their parent,” said Wilson.
“They don’t dream as big, or believe they’re as worthy as success as people raised in a household without the trauma of an incarcerated parent.” Formally grounded in Old Testament texts heard from ...
House Bill 1189 is working to give parents and guardians with criminal records a shot at helping out in schools.
is offering an upcoming class to prepare volunteers to become mentors for children with an incarcerated parent. After initial training and comprehensive background checks, volunteers are matched ...
Every child receiving a gift has one or more parents who are incarcerated ... she was one of these parents. "Being a parent in prison, there is more shame than you can ever imagine.
Prison Fellowship's Angel Tree Christmas program seeks to lighten this load by giving gifts to children on behalf of their incarcerated parents. With a note from their parent, these gifts serve ...