Whatever you decide, you must know how much your insurance will cost, what it covers versus what you are responsible for, and ...
Many of today's workers plan to retire. However, not everyone who enters retirement has the same circumstances as you. Some ...
A bill introduced last week would exempt social security benefits from state income tax. According to bill drafters, Vermont is one of only 9 states with tax benefits. The bill proposes an 8-year plan ...
If your debt load is light and your housing and other daily costs are low, you might consider a more conservative annual draw ...
We haven't even finished the first two weeks of 2025, yet Social Security is planning and executing a slew of changes that ...
Social Security only has nine years left until it becomes insolvent, and in light of the Social Security Fairness Act's ...
Explore key strategies for maximizing retirement savings in 2025, including 401(k) optimization, tax-loss harvesting and more ...
That's why delaying Social Security means taking a risk. And you'll need to decide whether waiting is worth it. If your ...
People choose to retire at 62 for various reasons, but the right retirement age for you depends on several factors, including your finances, health and emotional readiness. 1. To ...
You can't control the markets, but you can control how you withdraw your money. A comprehensive distribution plan can do ...
Reentering the workforce after having officially retired from it can raise a host of financial planning questions, especially for individuals whose main motivation for “unretiring” is economic.
The law change amends the latter rule. Beginning in 2025, part-time employees only need two years of employment with at least 500 hours of service in each to qualify. This doesn't apply to ...