British marine biologist and photographer Richard Smith focuses his work on the ocean’s tiniest and weirdest creatures.
During the 1980s, his mother married a man with whom they settled in Colorado Springs. Jones clashed with his stepfather, the ...
“I would study them from dawn until dusk,” he says fondly, and he gave them names: Josephine was the heroine ... and then settling in the mouth, eating away its tongue, and staring out ...
It must be seen which and how man colours are mixed in our hero and heroine, which ones are fast ... What George Washington ate, on which side of the bed he slept, and everything he did from ...
The heroine’s captor, Von Rothbart ... a symbol of a dragon or serpent eating its tail, representing a cycle of destruction and rebirth. Yatkin’s work creates a narrative told through multiple ...
Over time, that definition has been expanded and altered to a broader umbrella term for anything that qualifies as ...
But reporters trying to run down atrocity stories often found them to be rumors or plants. And Batista had ... We must have teachers—a heroine in every classroom.” He promised a homestead ...
We are collecting data on people who have sought ibogaine treatment all around the world so we can start to collect a very ...