Shahid Kapoor took to Instagram and shared a behind-the-scenes rehearsal video of his track Bhasad Macha from the upcoming movie Deva, wit h fans making his comparison to Hrithik Roshan.
“Being a performer, from captivating audiences on stage to serving our communities as a PR Councillor, was based on my love and compassion for people,” she shared. “This was clearly reflected in the ...
We’re Gonna Make It' is LANCO at their finest: authentic, emotionally resonant, and musically compelling. It's an arena-ready slice of joy.
Joan Brickner writes about a number of bills recently introduced in the N.D. Legislature, including one that would require ...
At just 23, Max McNown has already established himself as one of country music's most exciting new talents. Born in Oregon and shaped by personal challenges, including his brother's battle with cancer ...
Donald Trump returned to power as the 47th president of the United States on Monday, saying in his second inaugural address ...
President-elect Donald J. Trump on Sunday celebrated his return to the nation’s capital with a rally, reveling in his ...
Shortly before leaving office, President Joe Biden preemptively pardoned several people he said could be unfairly prosecuted ...
Donald Trump is now the 47th president of the United States. Follow live coverage and watch a live stream of the inauguration ...
I call on my fellow Filipinos to look back in pride and embody ... Marcos loyalists perform “Naririto Kami, Grupo ng Luneta,” a song with lyrics pledging unwavering support to the Marcos family: “Sama ...
"I was so grateful to my colleagues in Congress from California ... “I’m so moved by the generosity and the outpouring of love that people have shown,” he told Gallagher.