Take some time to visualize your goals as if you've already achieved them. Here are 10 positive affirmations to help you travel, buy a home, a car, and more.
There's no question about it, McDonald's is the most successful restaurant in the history of the world. The company isn't worth millions, but billions, nearly $150 billion, and that number keeps ...
Here we mention 5 Sanskrit affirmations that help remove negative ... By affirming ‘Yat Bhavo Tat Bhavti’, we choose to focus on the positive, the jolly, and the successful thoughts we have ...
Aga Khan, the leader of Ismaili Muslims, laid to rest in Egypt during private burial ceremony Aga Khan’s funeral service held in Portugal ahead of private burial ceremony in Egypt Spanish and ... “I ...
This affirmation simply tells us the power of positive thinking and also the importance of thinking good and appreciative about yourself. The better you think, the more you think about the ...
The Biden administration is poised to leave office without fulfilling one of its earliest promises: providing surgery to transgender veterans. In June 2021, Veterans Affairs Secretary Denis ...
Former The Great British Bake Off host Mel Giedroyc has revealed that she has told her former co-host and close friend Sue Perkins the same positive affirmation every year for 38 years. On BBC Woman's ...
A study published in Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience found that self-affirmations activate brain regions associated with reward and self-processing, promoting a positive self-image ...