Many of the books named in his profile — Ray Kurzweil’s “The Singularity is Nearer,” Yuval Noah Harari’s “Sapiens,” Michael Pollan’s “How to Change Your Mind” — attest to an ...
„So werden wir zu Supermenschen“, schreibt Der Spiegel und lässt den Futuristen Ray Kurzweil zu Wort kommen ... zwischen den Kollegen sichtbar gemacht werden. Daraus können Profile erstellt werden.
Das oberste Tempolimit im Kosmos ist die Lichtgeschwindigkeit? Stimmt nicht, glaubt Ray Kurzweil, Unternehmer und preisgekrönter Erfinder. In einem Essay beschreibt er eine Zukunft, in der ...
Trump has many shortcomings, but the most serious may be this: He’s a 20th-century curmudgeon in a 21st-century world. He appears ready to make America as unfit for these times as he is.
Ray Kroc transformed a small family-owned burger stand into McDonald's, the world's biggest fast-food empire.
Getty Rachael Ray and her husband, John Cusimano, have been cooking together for over 20 years. The Food Network host and entertainment lawyer attribute their success in love to knowing who they ...
The bad news continued this week, as it was revealed that one of the last major manufacturers of physical Blu-ray players is ceasing their production. As the higher-end option of the two, the LG UBK90 ...
Meta's Ray-Ban glasses are getting smarter thanks to an update that's introducing three features, including new AI functionality. In an announcement this week, Meta said the features are coming ...
Boxing Hall of Famer Donald Curry is in desperate need for help. His son is publicly asking for assistance for his dad.
"Wenn das wirklich stimmt, könnte die Singularität eine Ära des unvorstellbaren Fortschritts einläuten. Ich hoffe nur, dass wir darauf vorbereitet sind!" – Kommentar auf Twitter. "Werden ...
In the latest hit against physical media fans, LG has discontinued its remaining Blu-ray players. However, this doesn't spell the end for Blu-rays, which, in at least some categories, are seeing ...
A handful of important features teased during Meta Connect 2024 in September have come to the Meta Ray-Ban smart glasses. Those who are part of Meta’s Early Access Program can now try out new AI ...