Be aware of garden tools left on the ground and always face tools tines down. If the rake tines or hoe or shovel blade are up ...
This article outlines five simple steps that produce well-trained trees. The payoff is easy care trees. What's your ...
Follow these tips on how to prune citrus trees to encourage strong branches and improve fruit production. Knowing when and ...
A friend of mine at breakfast told me that he felt English ivy was becoming the new kudzu. He has a good point. When you look ...
You’ve probably heard that you’re supposed to prune fruit trees. But did you know that it’s also important to prune berries?
Pruning flowering shrubs in the winter is one of the best ways to keep your garden healthy and your blooms plentiful in ...
Pruning is "vital" for healthy peach trees, according to Michael Kenins, co-owner of Vista Tree Management and an ...
There are plenty of gardening jobs that need to be done before spring begins, but taking a few moments to tend to roses in February will help them become healthy and strong ...
The weather will slowly get lighter and warmer now that February has arrived, and Monty Don has shared an easy gardening job ...
Courage and few sharp tools are all you need to prune roses: a by-pass hand pruner, by-pass lopper, a small saw, gloves, ...
Pruning roses can strike fear in the hearts of most novice (and many experienced) gardeners. One of the most frequently asked ...
Proper pruning cuts do not leave stubs which won’t heal and will lead to problems. For larger limbs and branches make a flush ...