NASA's achievements, from the iconic Apollo missions to the James Webb Telescope, have redefined space exploration and ...
While claims of a “rare alignment” are overblown, you can still see up to six planets in the night sky this weekend. Here's ...
Research suggests that an ancient shoreline helped to sculpt the drop between Mars' southern and northern hemispheres.
Twenty years before Neil Armstrong uttered his memorable words on the Moon about one small step for man but a giant leap for ...
Heads up! Four planets are visible in the evening sky this month, and another two planets can be found with a little help. Dress warmly and look up this month.
The Moon meets the Red Planet’s rival in Scorpius, skims close to Saturn, and reaches New phase in the sky this week.
NASA's Curiosity rover has made a groundbreaking discovery on Mars by uncovering pure sulfur crystals within a broken rock.
The findings are the result of the ongoing studies performed by NASA’s Curiosity rover, which has been scouring the red ...
A study of volcanic cones near the equator on Mars is challenging what scientists previously knew about when and where water ...
The data used to create the image is from a Hubble Space Telescope project to capture and map Jupiter's superstorm system.
Living on Mars will be no easy feat. Building viable living quarters would require an inflatable habitat that can be covered ...