Mars will appear to make an ultraclose approach to the moon on Sunday, after Jupiter had a turn earlier this week. Here's how ...
While conjunctions involving two or three planets ... adding a new layer of fascination to the event. A star map or a stargazing app can help you identify the planets and track their positions.
All open star clusters, these lie in a rough line ... Sunrise: 7:18 A.M. Sunset: 5:05 P.M. Pluto is in conjunction with the Sun at 7 A.M. EST, rendering it invisible in the sky.
The “Christmas Star” may have been a conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter. The other planetary candidate making its case this month is Venus, which is shining even more brightly than Jupiter.
Starting Monday, Feb. 3, the day after Groundhog Day, you should be able to see another planetary parade in the night sky, ...
The conjunction of Venus and the Pleiades will ... Venus will pass within 2.6° of Alcyone, the brightest star in the Pleiades. The star is actually two giant hot “B” stars, with one of ...
By Pat Beers Block Welcome Star Gazers to this month’s highlights of celestial events visible in Fluvanna County! Fun events to view in February. This month offers star gazers s ...