The Last Jedi premiered on December 15, 2017, and the franchise has never been quite the same since. The movie was divisive in its time and remains an object of criticism to this day — even if other ...
With Star Wars struggling to get movies off the ground, perhaps one character's return can help reignite excitement.
It's also nice to have a Star Wars mystery that isn't necessarily going to involve secret Sith or deep Jedi lore or space ... on the show well before the John Williams-loving Jude Law showed ...
As the final Star Wars movie, The Rise of Skywalker did a lot of things - and it actually changed the entire saga in many ...
Chris Connor chats with composer Gordy Haab about Indiana Jones and the Great Circle… One of the pleasant surprises in 2024 ...
Quincy Jones, James Earl Jones, Toby Keith, Liam Payne and Shelly Duvall are just some of the entertainers who died in the ...
Discover the top alien and space movies, featuring thrilling adventures, extraterrestrial encounters, and epic journeys ...
The singer, 50, appeared on the Graham Norton show in an episode that's set to air on New Year's Eve, alongside Rami Malek, Motsi Mabuse, and John Bishop ... Vader in Star Wars,' so we made ...
Arcana Royale, Great British Bump Off, Lady Baltimore, Vatican City, and Witcher: Bear and Butterfly in Dark Horse March 2025 ...
Three Barr-Reeve students just returned from a trip to New York where they performed at Carnegie Hall. Students must be ...