Discover 8 unforgettable Dungeons & Dragons characters with unique traits and epic potential for Netflix’s TV adaptation.
This week's 5E compatible RPGs also include a very notable coffee hut, 'The Arcane Academy' adventuring canines, and more.
D&D's newest Monster Manual just added a brand-new, downright terrifying spin on a fan-favorite creature to prey on high ...
Other, slightly more overt Easter eggs can be found throughout the latest D&D books, he said, including things like cameos ...
For those planning to start up a Cleric in Dungeons & Dragons 5e, here's what to consider to get the best builds out of the ...
Explore the Dungeons of Shadowreach and the world of 'Massive Darkness' better than ever before with CMON's new TTRPG.
The fact that he’s not mentioned once in the vampires section while Astarion is is very suspicious. Could it be that Wizards ...