Neither a placebo procedure nor two different doses of transcranial brain stimulation, which send electrical signals through ...
Regular flossing (at least once a week) may reduce the risk of stroke linked to blood clots from the heart and conditions like atrial fibrillation (AFib). Its benefits appear to be independent of ...
A rapid blood test could speed treatment for people who have suffered a stroke related to brain bleeding, a new study says.
A blood test may rapidly distinguish brain bleeds from clot-caused strokes, even before people with stroke symptoms reach the ...
Increased levels of Streptococcus anginosus, a common type of bacteria that usually lives in the mouth and gut, was found in the gut of recent stroke survivors in Japan.
A study found that Streptococcus anginosus, a common mouth and gut bacterium, is more prevalent in stroke patients and linked ...
A preliminary study found that flossing at least once a week may reduce the risk of stroke. Experts explain the finding and ...
Removing a clot blocking a medium- or small-sized artery in the brain mechanically is a safe treatment for a common type of ...
Seniors whose cholesterol levels spike and plummet year-to-year could be at increased risk of dementia and failing brain ...
People with brain bleeds had nearly 7 times higher blood levels of a specific brain protein, called glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), than those who had strokes caused by clots in a study ...
Mechanically retrieving a blood clot blocking a medium- or small-sized brain artery was no better at reducing disability 90 days after a stroke than standard care alone (including clot-busting ...