Noted actor Subodh Bhave made his directorial debut with Katyar Kiljat Ghusali in 2015 – and struck gold. The Marathi musical, based on Purushottam Darvhekar’s play of the same name ...
Mumbai, Jan 2 (PTI) With his highly-anticipated film “Sangeet Manapmaan”, actor-director Subodh Bhave says he has fulfilled a long-cherished dream of crafting a grand musical fairytale in Marathi ...
Mumbai, With his highly-anticipated film “Sangeet Manapmaan”, actor-director Subodh Bhave says he has fulfilled a long-cherished dream of crafting a grand musical fairytale in Marathi language.
Actor-director Subodh Bhave has realized a long-held ambition with his latest film, "Sangeet Manapmaan," a Marathi musical fairytale adapted from Krushnaji Prabhakar Khadilkar's renowned 1911 play.
Currently, Amaran is the third most viewed South Indian film that arrived on Netflix this year after Vijay Sethupathi’s Maharaja and Dulquer Salmaan’s Lucky Baskhar! However, it would be a ...
With his highly-anticipated film “Sangeet Manapmaan”, actor-director Subodh Bhave says he has fulfilled a long-cherished dream of crafting a grand musical fairytale in Marathi language. The trailer of ...
I’ve always said Hollywood could be compared to high school in terms of how people behave, and to use that analogy, they’ve become the most unpopular kids in school," she added. Meanwhile ...