“WE ARE FUCKING BACK,” the administrator of a Nazi meme channel on Telegram wrote under a clip of Musk giving the salute. Members of the group responded with the lightning bolt emoji, a well ...
JP Morgan Australia chair Robert Priestley Mr Sayers’ time at PwC was marred by scandals and later revealed to have been dogged by a massive breach of confidentiality. Mr Sayers was penalised ...
Another man then grabs a white chair and throws it towards the group. A woman tries to break up the fight but is pushed in the shoulders and stumbles backwards. The group continues to fight ...
Traditionally, congressional leaders in both parties have seen the House Intelligence Committee as one of Capitol Hill’s most serious and apolitical bodies. Those norms are rapidly being trashed ...
Morgan Griffith (R-9th) to the House Committee on Rules for the 119th Congress, where he will serve as vice-chair. The House Committee on Rules is among the oldest standing committees in the House.