Former Miss World runner-up and actress Suman Rao took to Instagram to share a video detailing her harrowing health ordeal that spanned months, leaving her physically and emotionally drained. What ...
Along with brushing and flossing at least twice a day, it is recommended that most people see the dentist at least once a ...
Dental overcrowding occurs when there isn't sufficient space in the jaw for all the teeth to align properly. This can impede orthodontic treatments aimed at straightening teeth. To create space and ...
Prepare to be shocked. About 60 years ago, the average U.S. adult had 18 teeth that were decayed, missing or filled. We have ...
As with any surgery, there’s always a slight risk of complications. In this case ... The chances of infection are low, but it’s best to be prepared. Infection is always possible after a tooth ...