Recent studies have reported beneficial effects from intravenous neostigmine as treatment of acute colonic ileus. If pharmacologic therapy fails, colonoscopic decompression should be performed.
It is also called colorectal cancer.. Your treatment depends on whether you have colon or rectal cancer. Your treatment also depends on a number of factors including how far the cancer has grown, ...
Towards the end of life, you might want to make decisions about your care. This includes any instructions for refusing treatment. It can sometimes be very difficult to know what care and treatment to ...
The CF population born post-2007 and not diagnosed by NBS is primarily composed of individuals diagnosed before the NBS result was available (either clinically through meconium ileus or from a family ...
Despite advances in the understanding of the pathophysiology of sepsis, the treatment remains primarily supportive in nature. The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD ...
Natural treatment options for hypothyroidism may help manage symptoms but cannot replace treatments prescribed by your healthcare provider. Natural options include incorporating iodine, selenium, ...
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